The 1999 statistics of the Northeast Bavarian Cave Registration

Abbreviations for the areas:

SBW: Southern Bavarian Forest
NBW: Northern Bavarian Forest
SOW: Southern and Central Oberpfalz Forest
BB: Bodenwoehr Depression
RG: Border Areas

1 Total lengths of the caves

area  unknown  < 5 m  5 to 9 m  10 to 49 m   50 to 99 m   > 100 m      sum
SBW       0       0      0          0            0            0         0
NBW       1       0      0          0            0            0         0
SOW       0       0      0          0            0            0         0
BB        0       0      0          0            0            0         0
RG        0       0      0          0            0            0         0
sum       1       0      0          0            0            0         0

2 Rock-types
rock-type                        SBW   NBW   SOW    BB    RG     sum
gneiss                             0     1     0     -     -       1

3 Rock formations
formation                        SBW   NBW   SOW    BB    RG     sum
proterozoic                        0     1     0     0     0       1

4 Types of genetic conditions
                                 SBW   NBW   SOW    BB    RG     sum
boulder/talus caves (broad sense)  0     1     0     0     0       1

5 Morphologic types of the caves
                                 SBW   NBW   SOW    BB    RG       sum
caves                              0     1     0     0     0         1
cave ruins                         0     0     0     0     0         0
rock shelters                      0     0     0     0     0         0
natural bridges                    0     0     0     0     0         0

6 Water occurrence in the caves (including temporal water)
                                      SBW   NBW   SOW    BB    RG     sum
flowing water (incl. stagnant water)    0     0     0     0     0       0
stagnant water (no flowing water)       0     0     0     0     0       0
without water                           0     0     0     0     0       0
unknown                                 0     1     0     0     0       1

7 State of documentation (in percent of all caves)
                                 SBW   NBW   SOW    BB    RG       sum
survey                             -     0     -     -     -         0
map                                -     0     -     -     -         0
description                        -     0     -     -     -         0
photos                             -     0     -     -     -         0
other documentations               -     0     -     -     -         0


Last modified: December 28, 1999